
I invested a total of $2300 in mutual funds. One fund earned 9% profit while the other earned 4% profit. If the investors total profit was $172, how much was invested in each fund

Accepted Solution

Answer:$1600 invested in 9% fund$700 invested in 4% fundStep-by-step explanation:Letamount invested in 9% account be "x"soamount invested in 4% account would be "2300 - x"The profit from the account would be the percentage (in decimal) multiplied with the amount invested in that account. So,Profit in 9% account:9% = 9/100 = 0.090.09 * x0.09xProfit in 4% account:4% = 4/100 = 0.040.04(2300-x)92 - 0.04xTotal profit = 0.09x + 92 - 0.04xThis is equal to 172. We equate this and find x:[tex]0.09x + 92 - 0.04x=172\\0.05x=172-92\\0.05x=80\\x=1600[/tex]Now,2300 - x = 2300 - 1600 = 700Hence,$1600 invested in 9% fund$700 invested in 4% fund